Health & Wellbeing

Health begins where we live, work and play. Our model of housing provides easy access to healthy lifestyle choices.


We prioritise health and wellbeing to create thriving and sustainable communities where people can flourish for generations to come.

Active travel

We invest in active travel, such as walking and biking, to improve public health, reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. By implementing strategies similar to ‘15 Minute Neighbourhoods’ we aim to promote social and economic prosperity.

Green and blue spaces

Living with nature keep is vital for our emotional, psychological and physical health. By preserving and enhancing natural environments we seek to improve air quality and provide community recreational benefits.

Social cohesion

Relationships are fundamental for healthy communities. We promote social cohesion by providing opportunities for residents to come together through both planned and spontaneous interactions.

“We have a long history of investing in projects that radically improve quality of life for local communities.”

Ivy Amissah

People Experience