Attainable Housing

Major housing shortages are a global phenomenon. Radically increasing opportunities for attainable housing is an international and urgent necessity.


Our global platform resolves an imbalance in demand through predictable long-term supply of high-quality attainable housing.


World-over housing challenges are multidimensional. Responding to specific local contexts Latis delivers attainable housing at scale.


Resolving the imbalance of demand with supply, our platform controls existing applied technologies, innovative financial solutions and on-going operational stewardship delivering predictable long-term provision of high-quality attainable housing.


Depth of experience allows us to differentiate perspectives across geographies, resolving larger and more intricate challenges, granting the ability to invest capital with passion and conviction building infrastructure and beautiful communities people want to belong to.

“We’ve grown into a global housing platform that provides anyone with the ability to create beautiful new neighbourhoods in locations where they are needed most.”

Joe Higson

Head of Brand